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Parapet Wall Repairs

A parapet wall is an extension of a wall that continues above the roof surface. Originally designed to defend buildings from military attack, today they are primarily used as guard rails and to prevent the spread of fires. Throughout Chicago and its neighboring suburbs, two- and three-flat buildings and homes, which feature flat roofs with parapet walls, are prevalent. When you start to notice brick or mortar damage at the top of that parapet wall, it’s time to call Fortune Restoration to schedule a free assessment and same day quote to have parapet wall repair.

Parapet Wall Repairs Evanston, Rogers Park, Edgewater, Old Irving Park

Being that this extension of the wall is exposed to the ever-changing weather in Chicago, the freeze-thaw cycles and water accumulation make for a perfect combination to cause damage to the parapet walls. Fortune Restoration’s expert masonry team has worked with single family homes and commercial properties throughout the Chicagoland area. From Evanston, to Rogers Park, Edgewater, Old Irving Park, Wrigleville, Bucktown, Lincoln Park down to Hyde Park, Fortune Restoration has numerous satisfied customers.

Parapet Wall Repairs Wrigleville, Bucktown, Lincoln Park, Hyde Park

Whether you notice brick or mortar damage at the tops of your parapet walls, or interior water staining and damage, Fortune Restoration can provide you with an accurate quote for your parapet repair project.